Måste dansa.
Hittade mitt lilla engelska tal (som för övrigt är slarvigt skrivet pga att det var muntligt) om modern dans och fick lite nostalgitankar tillbaka till sommaren..
Jag tänkte på hur galet mycket jag vill till L.A och dansa, hur mycket jag vill dansa här och bestämma vilka lärare, stilar och klasser jag vill ta! Jag vill bara dansa mer. Jag vet att jag har dansat sjukt mycket de senaste åren, men just nu står allt still och det enda jag har är "koreograferandet", vilket jag inte utvecklas tekniskt på. Visst vill jag dels bli koreograf, men för att bli det måste jag bli grymt mycket bättre. Jag vill bara kunna bestämma själv!
Contemporary Dance
How do you specify freedom? What is freedom to you? I think that's a quite important question to know and think about...
Too me freedom is many different things.. I have one special thing in my life though, that makes everything a little bit easier.
Contemporary Dance.
This is a dance style that doesn't have that strictness and all those rules. Well, of course it requires a lot of you and it's quite complicated in it's own way, but the dance style, contemporary dance, is not specific dance technique.
European, Canadean, and American contemporary dance is different from each other in a number of ways. Contemporary dance has certain principles. They are Centering, Alignment, Gravity, Breath, Contraction, Release, Fall and Recovery, Spension, Balance and Off-Balance, Tension and Relaxation, Opposition and Emotion.
All this may sound a little bit confusing, or maybe it doesn't. However - this isn't what it's about, at least not in my opinion.
I think it's fascinating that all the movements in Contemporary dance are based on study of the human body.
You create levels, shapes and dynamics and use that to say something - A message.
Many people don't see or care so much about this "body and mind" relationship. They just see it as the performing process and doesn't get the whole idea. It's not just steps that you do - it's a meaning behind it. Your trying to explain something without words. Of course, everything doesn't have to be messages with specific sentences that we're supposed to understand, but all this weird and sometimes, kind of freaky movements stands for something. You don't stand and do this weird and unusual movement, and have the intention to get people to laugh. If you for example stand there and repeat the weird step over and over again - it maybe wants to tell you that we're in this track, doing things repeatedly, over and over again, and can't see it, or get out of it.
I don't know why I've been so attached to this, attached to dance in general.. but I think it's just this freedom that gives you allowance to create and tell something with your body.
# And what I also love about contemporary is that you're bare foot! It's not that good for your feet though, but it creates this "freedom feeling" even more!
Before I will end my beautiful little speech about my love for contemporary dance, I would like to honour and thank one person that made a lot of influence on me. Her name is Sonya Tayeh. She's from L.A and is a professional choreographer (and dancer) who I've been dancing for, for a week her in Sweden when she was visiting. She has inspired me and given me hope. She have given me more discipline (in all kinds of situations) and more serious,. She also helped me believe that you can make it.
She said one day that: "What you have here, in this group in Sweden, is so special. You don't have to go across the ocean to be a great dancer. All you need is the passion and discipline, and you can achieve whatever you want to. It's not the destination that matters, it's the journey to get there and if you just believe it you can achieve it. She also said that: When you've reached the top, keep on climbing"